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Tips for removing stains from carpets

Carpets belong in every living room and should not be missing in any case. They are not only a real eye-catcher, but also provide comfort. But over time, dirt and dust accumulate on the surface. Especially with carpets it is not easy to remove the dirt. The biggest dust is removed by regular vacuuming. For the remaining dirt it needs a special stain removal. It does not always have to be expensive cleaning products. Simple home remedies can also achieve a good effect. Which means are suitable for cleaning and which tips can contribute to a clean carpet, is explained in the following article. atursteine.

Carpet can be cleaned only with proper technology

Basically, it does not matter whether it is cleaned the carpet itself or by a professional. The stain must be removed from the fabric as soon as possible. Because older stains are almost impossible to save. In no case should you rub or rub on the stain. This will cause the dirt to penetrate even deeper into the fabric. The correct solution is "dabbing". In principle, work from the edge of the stain towards the center.

Also important is time. Especially in the case of larger actions should take their time when cleaning the carpets. The agent used plays a crucial role. In no case should the substance bleach the carpet. A universal tip is, for example, mineral water. It works wonders on fresh stains. It must simply be poured on the stain and gently dabbed with a towel or microfiber cloth.

Carpet can be cleaned only with proper technology

Basically, it does not matter whether it is cleaned the carpet itself or by a professional. The stain must be removed from the fabric as soon as possible. Because older stains are almost impossible to save. In no case should you rub or rub on the stain. This will cause the dirt to penetrate even deeper into the fabric. The correct solution is "dabbing". In principle, work from the edge of the stain towards the center.

Also important is time. Especially in the case of larger actions should take their time when cleaning the carpets. The agent used plays a crucial role. In no case should the substance bleach the carpet. A universal tip is, for example, mineral water. It works wonders on fresh stains. It must simply be poured on the stain and gently dabbed with a towel or microfiber cloth.

Carpet cleaner vs. home remedy - Which works better?

To clean a carpet, there are a variety of options. But to remove the stains do not have to be the most expensive products. Even home remedies can achieve remarkable results. Among them are:

– Baking powder
– Salt
– Lemon juice
– Glass cleaner
– Shaving foam

Baking powder

A good remedy for stains on the carpet is the baking soda. It contains baking soda and is a miracle cure for dirt and stains. Another advantage: unpleasant odors are also eliminated. The powder is simply sprinkled on the affected area and carefully poured with warm water. Under no circumstances should boiling hot water be used.

After that, it is left to act for about one night. The next morning, the powder is carefully dabbed off. If the stain is still there, the process is repeated another time. Due to the bleaching effect of the powder, it is excellent for light-colored carpets.


Salt should not go unmentioned. It is considered the ultimate remedy par excellence. The salt is sprinkled directly after causing the stain. Difficult stains from red wine or chocolate are absorbed by the salt. This procedure starts from the outside and works towards the center. For dried red wine stains helps:

– Vinegar water
– White wine
– Mineral water

Lemon juice

Lemon juice has a bleaching effect. That is why it should be applied only on light-colored carpets. The juice is dribbled a little on the affected stain and carefully wipe with a cloth.

Glass cleaner

Highly recommended is the glass cleaner. Especially good is the household product against stubborn stains. For this purpose, a brush is needed. After the cleaner has dried, the dirt is worked out with the brush. A standard hand brush is perfectly adequate for this purpose.

Shaving foam

The last tip for carpet cleaning deals with foam. Suitable for this purpose are shaving foam and carpet foam. The cheaper variant of both is shaving foam. With the foam, pay attention to no additives as well as coloring. Substances such as menthol can destroy the carpet. The foam is applied to the affected area and worked in cleanly with the help of a hand brush. Then vacuum the dry area and you're done.

With carpet foam, the surface must be thoroughly vacuumed beforehand. Make sure that the color of the carpet does not fade in the process. Otherwise, the procedure is the same as for shaving foam.

Use nature for stain removal

The carpets should be cleaned at the latest during spring cleaning. Especially dust can be removed with a carpet beater. It is only important that the carpet is beaten out on the underside. Otherwise the dirt will penetrate even deeper. Especially on warm days, carpet cleaning comes in handy. After wet cleaning, it can be dried in the sun. Care should be taken in combination with cleaning agents such as lemon juice, otherwise the carpet may fade.

Carpet cleaning in the washing machine?

In principle, it is possible to wash the carpet in the washing machine or in the bath. However, the manufacturer's instructions should be followed. Too hot temperatures should be avoided. With larger carpets, the bathtub can become a problem. These soak up water and can then only be transported with difficulty. For larger carpets, home remedies or a specialist are recommended.

Finishing touch: impregnate carpet

After the carpet is cleaned clean, it should then be impregnated. This will make the carpet less susceptible to dust and dirt in the future. For this purpose can be used usual textile impregnation spray. Simply spray on the carpet and let it dry for a short time. Thus, the material is strengthened and the daily dirt falls off. Among other things, it facilitates the work with the vacuum cleaner.


Getting a carpet clean can sometimes be more difficult than expected. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help with carpet cleaning. It is important to use the right technique. Under no circumstances should you rub or press hard on a fresh stain. This only works the dirt deeper into the carpet. Expensive detergents are not needed when removing stains. It is very important to react quickly. Home remedies such as salt, glass cleaner or foam are well suited for this purpose. However, baking soda is also considered a universal remedy. After exposure, the remains are gently removed with a brush. Otherwise, it is recommended to repeat the cleaning process again.

*NW Clean GmbH disclaims any liability for damages caused by the trading of readers of the guide.

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