When an apartment is given up or has to be vacated, a period of life always ends. All usable items that are to find their respective place in the new apartment are removed. The rest is sold or disposed of by the owner or tenant. After that, it also depends on the size of the premises. A small apartment makes less work when moving than a larger house or a company building.
Before the actual handover to the owner or landlord, the person moving out goes through all the rooms. Here, he may notice one or two problems that he does not consider relevant. However, during the actual handover of the keys and the inspection by the transferee, things can get expensive. This applies to cases in which the person responsible has extensive cleaning work carried out at the expense of the former owner or tenant. Such measures can subsequently eat up the deposit and contribute to further recourse claims.
You can not underestimate the scope of cleaning during the move. The time aspect is easy to miscalculate, so even an extra day of vacation can not solve the problem that arises shortly before the handover of the keys. Mit dem Einsatz einer professionellen Umzugsreinigung geht man diesen Problemen aus dem Weg. Sind vom Auftragnehmer Punkte übersehen worden, ist dieser zur Nachbesserung oder einem Schadensersatz verpflichtet. Im ungünstigen Fall behält der Kunde den geforderten Rechnungsbetrag zurück, um einen anderen Anbieter mit der Reinigung zu beauftragen.
In addition, by involving the cleaning company Zurich, you can avoid the associated stress, which costs time and money.
First there is the question of who provides the services and what tasks it includes. Basically, the client thinks of the floors and windows. With this he is right, but the spectrum of the cleaning company is much broader.
For example, if the tenant has taken over the kitchen from the landlord for use, it must be handed over in perfect - wear and tear - condition. This includes cleaning the hotplates, the oven and the refrigerator. At the same time, the well-versed employees of the removal cleaning company take care of the floor, the walls and also look for dirty spots behind the cabinets. Nothing can cause the deposit to expire faster than moldy food that makes for unsanitary conditions behind a cabinet. In some cases, the tenant has not noticed this fact, or due to health restrictions.
Ein Hammer kann der Keller oder der Dachboden sein. Hier befinden sich viele einzelne Gegenstände, die zum großen Teil verdreckt und zu entsorgen sind. Hier müssen die Mitarbeiter viel Arbeit leisten.
A hammer can be the basement or attic. Here there are many individual items, many of which are dirty and need to be disposed of. Here, the employees have to do a lot of work.
or a long time it has been customary to hand over the rented or sold residential or commercial space to the landlord or buyer in a broom-clean condition. At that time there were no or rarely carpeted floors. Each room could be cleaned with only a household broom. Basically, this is only about the gross dirt, such as the removal of dust and cobwebs.
Today, the landlord and the new owner do not agree with these small solutions. These options provide the basis for further cleaning work, which must be borne by the former tenant if he has not appointed a cleaning professional. After all, the new tenant should move in without delay and pay the agreed rent, without being able to demand a reduction in rent for soiling
Many people look forward to their respective change of residence with mixed feelings. Therefore, they plan each step with their own resources and also rely on the help of family members and friends. Professional move-in cleaning is often unknown or considered as a superfluous service. But are they right in this attitude? A company that offers these important services to private, commercial and freelance customers must have a range of services that is not fully appreciated by the tenant himself. There is sometimes nothing more dangerous than half-knowledge, which costs the potential client dearly. Anyone who also arranges for a cleaner to do the daily cleanup quickly underestimates the considerable effort required for an extensive move and the associated clearing of the old apartment.
The focus is also on intensive basic cleaning, which is implemented by the professional moving company with a variety of cleaning techniques and cleaning agents. And it is here that tenants reach their limits. How to get rid of the stain on the carpet? Are there suitable procedures to remove the grease on the tiles in the kitchen? How do you close the holes in the wall where your pictures were hanging? Is there still a painter to hire or is this restriction irrelevant at the time of handover? Were there any spots overlooked that can later be charged against the deposit? The involvement of the professionals of the removal cleaning Zurich will save them trouble and a lot of time.
If the customer is sure that he does not want to take care of the removal cleaning himself, he turns to a company in his area, for example. Here he obtains an offer, which he receives via mails or phone calls. On the website of the cleaning company Zurich, the client finds a form, with the help of which the first contact is established.
First, the tenant moving out and the dispatcher of the cleaning company Zurich arrange an on-site appointment. The company's representative inspects the rooms that will be involved in the cleaning. Here it depends on the size and scope of the rental property. Basements and attics pose a particular challenge in each case, as mold problems also lead to additional costs here.
The dispatcher has very great experience in his fields. Many places have to be cleaned, which the client does not think of at first. Often the work has to be done in a narrow time window. Compliance is possible only with several employees who complement each other in their activities.
In addition to the cleaners, the team also includes various craftsmen. They carry out repairs ranging from repairing a window to adjusting a door handle. They also ensure the elimination of holes in the walls.
In the worst case, unsuitable cleaning equipment or agents can cause damage to floors, surfaces, furniture and other components of a company. Quickly everything looks unkempt and has to be replaced after a few years, which causes unnecessary costs. With years of experience, a professional cleaning company not only ensures constant cleanliness in the premises, but also maintains the care and longevity of the objects in the office or practice.
Of course, every company can decide for itself whether it wants to use its own staff for cleaning work. However, bosses must be careful here, because this must also be noted accordingly in the employment contract. Superiors may only use their employees for cleaning if this position is included in the company or if it also involves equivalent tasks and if the employee agrees. Here, too, it becomes clear how worthwhile the investment in a professional cleaning company is: employees are deployed where they are really needed and can work more productively.
Once a removal cleaning service has been commissioned, the tenant can sit back and relax. In addition to a spare key, he also hands over the responsibility for professional cleaning to a trustworthy company.
But what is the benefit of this procedure? The company presents a standard contract for the cleaning work, which can often be negotiated. In this, in any case, there is a guarantee of acceptance. With it, the contractor undertakes to carry out his work in the best possible way. The acceptance by the landlord is then carried out without any complaints. However, if there are one or more reasons for defects, the contractor undertakes to rework the premises at his own expense, as agreed in the contract. Alternatively, the payment of compensation shall be made. The customer may also refuse to pay the bill and hire another company to remove the pollution
If a company would like to have its move accompanied by a moving cleaning service, the order will cover both the office and storage areas if desired. Once the actual move is complete, the specialists come in. In the case of extensive projects, however, they need a certain lead time to do justice to the scope of their assignment. For this purpose, the dispatcher also prepares a meaningful and detailed work plan, which becomes the basis of the cleaning contract. This also includes an obligatory acceptance guarantee.
Experienced cleaning companies not only know what to look out for in a comprehensive office or practice cleaning but are also aware of all legal requirements. These concern accident prevention, health protection and occupational safety. In every serious cleaning company, these aspects are an integral part of the daily work. Experienced not only recognize existing risks in advance, but also create the basis for motivated employees. motivated employees. Thanks to a carefully planned organization, a regular control and documentation, the legal security for the client is constantly guaranteed. guaranteed.
Cleaning your own premises as part of a move is possible, but time-consuming. In the process, the tenant or former owner may overlook defects or fail to solve the problem in question in a professional manner. Thus, in the event of a complaint, the landlord can withhold the deposit and, if necessary, demand compensation for damages. If, on the other hand, a professional company such as the Zurich cleaning company is entrusted with these tasks, the client also receives an acceptance guarantee. With it, he can rely on the optimal execution of the cleaning and repair of the rented or sold premises.
You are looking for industry-specific maintenance cleaning. I will be happy to advise you personally.
Nico Weber
Managing Director
Phone: 043 244 94 94
E-Mail: weber@nwclean.ch
If you want a high standard of cleaning, you have come to the right place.
Your needs are our top priority. We put everything to implement them.
The first impression of your clientele is important. With our cleaning we make sure, that they can always feel comfortable with you.
In the case of medical practices, we also attach particular importance to hygiene.