In just a few short weeks, the emergence of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on
on the way we live and work. As the virus continues to spread rapidly, public
Life increasingly closed. The health department is recommending a ban on gatherings of more than 50
people for the next few weeks and further restrictions on public life.
Disinfection practices and cleaning measures are important to reduce the risk of COVID-19 virus contamination in offices/practices. Areas in the office that are most frequently touched should be disinfected frequently. These areas typically include door and window handles, kitchen and food preparation areas, countertops, bathroom surfaces, toilets and faucets, personal touch screen devices, PC keyboards, and work surfaces.
Sodium hypochlorite (bleach / chlorine) can be used at a recommended concentration of 0.1%. Alcohol at 70-90% can also be used for surface disinfection. Surfaces must first be cleaned with soap and water or a detergent to remove dirt and then disinfected. Cleaning should always start from the least soiled (cleanest) area to the most soiled (dirtiest) area to avoid spreading dirt to areas that are less soiled.
All disinfectant solutions should be stored in opaque containers in a well-ventilated, covered area not exposed to direct sunlight and ideally prepared fresh each day. Routine application of disinfectants to surfaces by spraying is not recommended indoors for coronavirus. If disinfectants are to be applied, they should be done with a cloth soaked in the disinfectant.
It is important to reduce the risk when using disinfectants. The disinfectant and its concentration should be carefully selected to avoid damage to surfaces and to avoid or minimize toxic effects on household members (or users of public spaces). Avoid or minimize. Avoid combining disinfectants such as bleach and ammonia, as mixtures can Can cause respiratory irritation and release potentially lethal gases. Open windows and ventilate with fans. Wash your hands after using Used disinfectants, including surface wipes. Keep lids tightly closed when not in use. Spills and accidents occur more frequently when containers are open. Do not use disinfectant wipes to clean hands or as baby wipes.
Die empfohlene Mindestschutzausrüstung für die Desinfektion sind Gummihandschuhe, wasserdichte Schürzen
und geschlossene Schuhe. Augenschutz und medizinische Masken können auch erforderlich sein, um sich vor
verwendeten Chemikalien zu schützen oder wenn Spritzgefahr besteht.
Important: When cleaning and disinfection are not possible on a regular basis due to resource constraints, frequent hand washing and avoidance of touching the face and mucous membranes should be the primary prevention approaches to reduce potential transmissions associated with surface contamination.
For companies that need on-site employees, social distancing is required in the office from the very beginning required, not just once offices are fully open again. If you get used to the daily routine in the office, you'll have time to test which method works best for your team before everyone returns.
Methods to consider for physical distancing include:
- Limit who comes into the office and when with flexible hours and staggered shifts, and use A / B shifts to accommodate cleaning schedules and limited workstations.
- Verwenden Sie ein Social Distancing Desk-Tool, um die genauen Abstände der Tische einzuhalten. Bestimmen Sie die Kapazität basierend auf der physischen Entfernung.
- Either prohibit visitors or keep them to a minimum unless absolutely necessary. is. Prohibit personal packages delivered to the office.
- Update office design with partitions between desks and social spaces, revised seating arrangements and directional signage such as floor markings for one-way hallways and stairs.
- Maintain virtual meetings in the office: Transform any conference room in the early stages of COVID-19 into a personal office and/or storage area.
- Provide clear, concise, and well-written instructions and signage relevant to your location, industry, and current work culture. Communicate in a timely and calm manner.
- Provide channels for support and two-way communication.
- Create a space where your employees can address their concerns and needs.
- Provide signage in the office that addresses all safety concerns: good respiratory hygiene, cleaning recommendations, social distancing, and symptom testing.
If you have been working from home as a preventative measure, this is the best time to implement optimal hygiene practices and solutions to reduce the spread of viruses and colds. Some ideas are:
- Increase the availability of disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers that kill viruses, and make sure everyone knows how to use them effectively.
- Encourage all office staff to regularly clean high-touch surfaces.
- Provide channels for support and two-way communication.
- Continue to improve professional cleaning and disinfection practices in the office to reduce the occurrence of germs and bacteria in the workplace.
*NW Clean GmbH disclaims any liability for damages caused by the trading of readers of the guide.
You are looking for industry-specific maintenance cleaning. I will be happy to advise you personally.
Nico Weber
Managing Director
Phone: 043 244 94 94
If you want a high standard of cleaning, you have come to the right place.
Your needs are our top priority. We put everything to implement them.
The first impression of your clientele is important. With our cleaning we make sure, that they can always feel comfortable with you.
In the case of medical practices, we also attach particular importance to hygiene.