Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, a lot has changed around the world. state of emergency that we have not yet experienced. Whether in the office or in the private sphere, hygiene is now more more important than ever. For many employees, working life has been massively curtailed, but even in Zurich there are there are those who have not been ordered into the home office, but who have to cope with the daily office routine day after day. All the more important is a comprehensive cleaning of the business premises and that from the expert.
On the one hand, you are largely responsible for the hygienic conditions during the Corona pandemic.
but on the other hand, you are dependent on energetic cleaning according to hygienic
aspects. First of all, it is indispensable to adhere to basic rules of conduct,
that significantly minimize the risk of infection. These include:
- Regular hand washing for at least 30 seconds
- Observance of coughing and sneezing rules (into the crook of the elbow).
- Protective measures such as wearing a mouth-nose mask
- Spacing of employees from one another or structural demarcations
If the above rules are properly followed in the office, you will actively reduce the risk of a
spread of viruses. But what about surfaces to which viruses can adhere and thus be transmitted from hand to hand?
hand to hand? You cannot forbid your employees to touch doorknobs, light switches, and other common
and other common utensils. But here, too, you can minimize the risk of infection.
minimize the risk of infection.
The Robert Koch Institute recommends regular cleaning of business premises and offices. Leave
the cleaning of your office in Zurich not to chance, but to the experts. Important prerequisites
for a hygienic environment are:
- Daily cleaning of all used rooms, if necessary several times a day
- Additional cleaning and disinfection of usable surfaces
- Basic hygienic cleaning in case of infection
There is a clear instruction in many cleaning companies: If time is short, cleaning is done on sight.
cleaned. Often, the assigned area is far too large for one cleaner and it is not possible to clean the entire office in the given time.
even if the work is done quickly, it is not possible to clean the entire office in the allotted time.
In this case, it is recommended to clean only those areas that are dirty on sight. A good
example comes from everyday hospital life. Here, it is common for a single person to clean between
between 12 and 17 rooms within three to four hours. In addition, there are additional
services such as cleaning the kitchenette, etc. The workload is unmanageable and, as a result, cleaning performance suffers.
the cleaning performance suffers.
However, the problem, especially during the Corona pandemic, is not the dust that may be left on
left on the shelf. Nor is the problem the dirty windowsill, the problem is viruses
and these are undetectable on sight. Viruses lurk on all surfaces and especially on
contact surfaces that are used by several people every day.
Specialized personnel indispensable during Corona pandemic.
But there are other advantages if you trust the experts in the Zurich area:
- Employees feel more secure and are significantly more motivated
- The probability of infection decreases, which minimizes the risk of failures
- Employees trust the management and feel recognized
Whether mere cleaning or disinfection, to do without would be negligent. What is needed depends on the
depends on the type of facility. Of course, there is a particular need for hygiene in
system-relevant premises such as homes or hospitals as well as care facilities. Also in
kindergartens and schools, a great deal of care is needed when cleaning.
However, buildings with public and customer traffic, such as retail stores or offices, also fall into the
critical areas. Careful and hygienic cleaning of offices and the like in the Zurich area increases the
protection of the people who work in the respective building or visit as a customer is increased.
Depending on the pathogen type, a different type of cleaning is necessary to reduce the risk of transmission.
Corona viruses are enveloped viruses. If the corona virus loses its viral envelope, it can no longer infect its host.
infect its host. In this way, Sars-COV2 viruses are inactivated and their spread is minimized.
The cleaning agent used must therefore be capable of destroying the viral envelope. This includes
Cleaning agents based on surfactants. Alcohol also attacks and destroys the envelope, but only if the alcohol content in a cleaning and disinfecting
only if the alcohol content in a cleaning and disinfecting agent is at least 62 %.
Experts know exactly which means are necessary in the office to rid contact surfaces of viruses and to
protect your employees. In addition, cleaning companies also take care of the maintenance and
filling disinfectant dispensers in the sanitary area and the rest of the building.
Every day we touch numerous surfaces without knowing it afterwards. These are
automated movements and actions that have already become so integrated into our daily lives that we perform them
that we perform them unconsciously. But it is precisely these surfaces that are potential sources of danger, since they are mostly
are touched by several people. The most dangerous surfaces in the office include:
- Door handles and stairs area
- Tables, chairs and keyboards/computer mice
- Light switch
- Shared telephones, printers, scanners
If there are viruses on the surfaces, they are absorbed by the hands when touched. If
hands to the nose, mouth or eyes, the coronaviruses can be transmitted and infection can occur.
and infection can occur.
Especially during these pandemic periods, it is important to clean and disinfect risky surfaces (several) times a day.
and disinfect them (several times a day). A surface wipe disinfection is the best way to render existing
viruses harmless and prevent transmission.
Around Zurich, you should rely on our expert teams when it comes to implementing hygiene measures without consequential damage. Disinfectants are on everyone's lips and in everyone's hands. But improper use can do more harm than good.
Applied incorrectly or on sensitive materials, parquet and other surfaces can be permanently ruined. Experts and the necessary know-how are needed for damage-free use of disinfecting measures. Even in small offices, it is advisable not to use the classic disinfectant from the supermarket and simply disinfect wildly according to the motto "a lot helps a lot".
"Much does not help much", but "right helps much" should be the motto. The right remedy, in the right place is the right way to make your office safer and more hygienic too, especially in times of a worldwide pandemic.
*NW Clean GmbH disclaims any liability for damages caused by the trading of readers of the guide.
You are looking for industry-specific maintenance cleaning. I will be happy to advise you personally.
Nico Weber
Managing Director
Phone: 043 244 94 94
If you want a high standard of cleaning, you have come to the right place.
Your needs are our top priority. We put everything to implement them.
The first impression of your clientele is important. With our cleaning we make sure, that they can always feel comfortable with you.
In the case of medical practices, we also attach particular importance to hygiene.