12 years NW Clean
Office cleaning services and practice cleaning in Zurich

Use disinfectant correctly

If you want to clean your office or practice in Zurich germ-free, you should rely on a specialist company. to do the job. Since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, disinfectants have been used everywhere, which is generally correct. However, this can cause various types of damage to carpets, parquets and other materials (plexiglass etc.). We take over the professional and damage-free cleaning of your rooms in Zurich and surroundings!

Which surfaces need cleaning with disinfectants?

In principle, it makes sense to also disinfect the furniture, toilet seats, floors, door handles and possibly even surfaces (doors, windows, walls). We have known for some time that certain germs can persist on surfaces for a relatively long time. Coronaviruses, for example, survive on steel and plastic for up to 72 hours and possibly longer. For materials such as upholstery, carpets, wood and wallpaper, it is very unclear as of early 2021 how long these dangerous pathogens will persist there. On the other hand, disinfectants can damage wood and plastics if cleaned extensively and/or improperly. If they are sprayed, there is a risk of damage to health. It is therefore important that you have your office or practice in Zurich cleaned properly and often enough. It is best to disinfect handles yourself whenever someone who has just entered the office or practice has touched them. We highly recommend additional hand disinfection at the entrance. What we strictly advise against is the independent application of disinfectants on wood (becomes very quickly and irreparably stained), on Plexiglas (becomes brittle and blind in the long run), on most bathroom fittings (surfaces suffer, plastic crumbles, varnish comes off) and on marble (becomes irreparably stained). Of course, these areas also need to be disinfected, but with the right means and methods we use. You will not receive certain professional disinfectants because they require compliance with high safety standards. We, on the other hand, are supplied with them as a professional company. You also do not know the methods of gentle disinfection of such surfaces, you do not need to know them. We are here for you.

What can you disinfect yourself?

In principle, you can disinfect all glass and stainless steel materials yourself, and in the case of handles you should do the same. Wear rubber gloves and do not spray the disinfectant into the air. It is harmful to your health when inhaled. You can also apply it briefly to a cloth (for briefly wiping a handle) without wearing gloves, or spray it from a short distance and then use it to wipe the handle. Note, however, that disinfectant attacks the skin in the long run. You must then take great care of your hands. In addition to handles, you should also treat computer keyboards and telephones in this way. The used cloths can be washed at 60°. You can keep your laundry free of germs by washing it at at least 60°. This also helps against coronaviruses, which, by the way, do not survive hand washing with soap if it lasts at least 20 seconds.

Professional cleaning methods for carpets and upholstery

We use special agents and professional cleaning procedures to get all germs, including corona viruses, off your surfaces and also out of your carpets and upholstery. Some germs find an ideal breeding ground in textile surfaces. These are not necessarily coronaviruses, but Campylobacter, Staphylococcus and Listeria are also dangerous. Vacuuming alone is not enough because bacteria, fungal spores and viruses can settle deep within carpet and upholstery fibers. If you notice an unpleasant odor on a carpet or upholstered furniture, urgent action is required. Among other things, we use steam, but we do so very carefully and test the material first to rule out any damage from the treatment. More often, the spray extraction method is sufficient, in which our special cleaning device sprays the cleaning agent onto the carpet or upholstery and then immediately absorbs it. This washes out not only the dirt, but also any pathogens. They end up in the device's dirt tank and can then be safely disposed of. Carpets and upholstery thus become deeply clean and germ-free. We add disinfectants to the cleaning agent in exposed rooms or in general. In this way we also protect your rooms from Corona.

Coronaviruses on wood surfaces

Wood surfaces are comparatively "virus-proof" because of their microstructure and also the antimicrobial substances present in the wood. Nevertheless, in times of Corona, we all want to exclude any residual risk. Thus, most wood processing companies have now introduced a "quarantine" (waiting period) for wood products: They let them rest for at least a week before further processing. But how great is the risk of viruses becoming established on your wood surfaces indoors? There is no doubt about it. To counter this, we use surface disinfection, which includes the use of 70% alcohol. We can treat varnished surfaces with disinfectant. Unvarnished wood would damage them. It also depends on the type of disinfectant. This is composed of several active ingredients. Contained are usually alcohol, solvents, surfactants and fragrances.

We use the appropriate agent for each wood surface in the right concentration and with the appropriate application method, so that the wood does not suffer in any way. In addition to protecting your wooden surfaces, it is also a matter of health protection. After treating your surfaces, the disinfectant must not reach a concentration that would be hazardous to health by evaporating in the room. The consequences of improper use could include eczema, eye disorders, contact allergies or respiratory problems. For this reason, we check in each individual case to what extent disinfection is required and how (with which means and method) it should be carried out. In less endangered rooms, such as those used only by employees, purely routine disinfection of wooden surfaces is not absolutely necessary - not even during the COVID 19 pandemic. If the risk of contamination from a potentially infected person is practically non-existent, standard basic hygiene is sufficient: we treat surfaces with conventional cleaning agents that have proven effective. If disinfection seems appropriate, we use those agents which professional associations recommend. After disinfection, we point out the need for thorough airing.

Disinfect plastic surfaces and Plexiglas

For plastic surfaces and Plexiglas (which is also a plastic), it is important to apply the disinfectant in a dosed manner. We wipe the surfaces and then dry them with special cloths. This kills the viruses and bacteria, but the disinfectant does not damage the surface. Again, it depends on the right agent: There are different types of plastics that tolerate different agents.


Take advantage of our expertise and experience when cleaning and disinfecting your rooms. The proper use of our agents and the right methods ensure safety while protecting your materials and surfaces. In addition, we advise you on hygiene behavior in this situation, which is so difficult for all of us. We are looking forward to your inquiry!

*NW Clean GmbH disclaims any liability for damages caused by the trading of readers of the guide.

Personal contact

You are looking for industry-specific maintenance cleaning. I will be happy to advise you personally.


Nico Weber
Managing Director

Contact details

Phone: 043 244 94 94
E-Mail: weber@nwclean.ch

Office cleaning and practice cleaning with NW Clean GmbH in Zurich

If you want a high standard of cleaning, you have come to the right place.

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The first impression of your clientele is important. With our cleaning we make sure, that they can always feel comfortable with you.

Practice cleaning

In the case of medical practices, we also attach particular importance to hygiene.


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